Finding mental space in the mountains

The mountains have provided solace for individuals for thousands of years. Here two of our Expedition Ambassadors talk about finding mental space on a mountain top.

Leanne wears the W's Neema LS Crew in Sky Blue.

The magnitude of nature humbling, the peace comforting, and the fragility of life becomes a thing of great beauty. Mountains are a place for great self-exploration and inward enquiry, there is something about being high up towards the sky that quietens the mind and opens up our possibilities for adventures.

Outdoor instructor Leanne aka @blooming_wild_adventures spends her spare time bikepacking in her local area and beyond.

“I've been a fan of mountains ever since I can remember. From huge peaks in the Himalayas to local ones like Ben Arthur in Scotland. I find them all extremely intriguing, beautiful in their own rugged right and filled with an array of flora and fauna to learn about. They've always drawn my attention and captured my imagination. You could say I'm quite hooked, particularly when it's a solo bikepacking mountain adventure."

Leanne wears the W's Yardang Jersey in Lake Blue and the W's Neema LS Crew in Sky Blue.

"People often ask me why I go to such wild and remote places on my own, especially with a bike. I do it to get away from everything and everyone, all the things on my to do list, my housework, the ever growing cost of living, my rambling thoughts and self doubts...the list goes on but mostly because I LOVE it, it's my movement meditation and it's where I can reset and find solitude."

I cannot recommend getting out and amongst nature and our beloved mountains enough. It's so soothing for your mental wellness and wellbeing so get yourself outside and explore.

"I have a very active job as an outdoor instructor and whilst I'm very lucky to be able to play outside, I'm never alone. It's being alone in nature that feeds my soul. Recharges my batteries, keeps me healthy, builds upon my resilience and it fuels my desire to keep exploring further."

Catherine wears the W's Yardang Jersey in Copper Orange.

Professional outdoor adventurer Catherine aka @yorkshire_blonde_adventures explains how the mountains saved her life.

“Being in the mountains makes me feel like I’m at home. It's where I go to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and switch off from reality. I have suffered with anxiety and depression in the past and being in the mountains is the best medicine I’ve ever found. It puts life into perspective for me and if I feel that small in comparison to the scale of the mountains, how small does that make the things that I worry about? It's a place where I go to feel alive, there's no judgement when you're there."

Being in the mountains is not only good for my mind, body and soul, it brings me complete inner peace.

Catherine wears (L-R) W's Neema LS Crew in Sky Blue and W's Yardang Jersey in Copper Orange.

"You can be yourself unapologetically. I find it really grounds me and brings me back to what is important in life. It completely resets me and makes me see clearly again. Being in the mountains is not only good for my mind, body and soul, it brings me complete inner peace. It’s not about reaching the summit, it’s about the journey that it takes to get there. The mountains have saved my life and I’ll always be so grateful for them.”

The premium yak wool we use to enhance what we believe are the best base layers is bought directly from herder communities on the Himalayan plateau.